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AFter he had gotten 43 prayer
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Seller:   Weiweismart
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Date Posted:   06-20-2021 9:29:02 PM
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AFter he had gotten 43 prayer, he ceased. He looked in his prayer list, and he found that RS gold all the abilities seemed like saradomin's.

I really like prayer. Oh wait! Mitsue2000 does not like saradomin, he just like Zamorak. So why the heck is the prayer list somewhat apt to saradomin? WHy not zamorak prayers?

Here are my thoughts: lvl two - reduced defence: Will diminish the defence of whoever is atacking you by 10 percent, however your defence will probably lower by 5 percent. Lvl 5- lower strength: Will diminish the strength of whoever is attacking you by 10%, but their defence is increased by 5 percent. Lvl 7- diminished Attack: Will diminish the atack of whoever is attacking you by 10%, however, their defence is increased by 5%. Lvl 10- Kill defence: Will lower the defence of whoever is attacking you by 20 percent, but your defence is lowered by 10 percent.

Lvl 13- kill strength: Will diminish the strength of whoever is attacking you by 20%, but their defence is significantly raised by 10%. Lvl 19-grave robbing: If murdering someone, they lose one thing and that item appears in your inventory , in case you don't have space, it seems on the ground. When killed, you maintain 1 item. Lvl 22- rotting flesh: whoever attacks you becomes diseased for 1 or two every 30 seconds. Your defence slowly decreases

Lvl 25- Blood rob: whoever attacks you has their health regeneration lowered by half. Your health regeneration is reduced by 1/4. Lvl 25- rust: rots turns and food any bandages, rations, etc. . vampire dust. Lvl 27-rigor mortis: anyone who strikes you cannot block and the damage against them is doubled. Your damage is reduced by half.

Lvl 30-cramps: anyone who attacks you has their power lowered by half and can often be knocked-down. Your health is diminished by half. Lvl 33- obliviated: anybody who strikes you has their attack lowered by half. Their weapons will oftentimes be unequipped mechanically. You can't block. Lvl 37- Dissonance: you create three spirits that are lvl 67 who dismiss stats and armor. Their max hit is 25. One extra spirit ignores by half your armor and strikes you.These spirits can't be atacked.

Lvl 40- blasts: when used, every 15 seconds people 3 squares round you are pushed off 10 squares further, stunned, and their conduct energy is lowered to 0. You are poisoned. Lvl 43- ressurected- when you equip this prayer, every time you die you come back to OSRS buy gold life and you lose 1/4 fo all your stats temporarely. You lose half of your own prayer.
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