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I am also a lover of Aion 4.0 and below
MMOExp offer a easy, safe, fast and stable way to buy Aion Classic Kinah, more great service you can get. Become our VIP member and buy cheap aion-classic Kinah now, you can get more off.
Seller:   Weiweismart
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Date Posted:   07-01-2021 8:22:20 PM
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I am also a lover of Aion 4.0 and below, however I don't know how dumb you've got to be not to find the defects in aions battle system and netcode and aion classic kinah phone pretty much top 3 pvp mmorpg. Everything you recorded under"ability" is a part of bulk of PvP in mmorpg, it particularly looks very like wow...

The only thing it has going for it is that becoming to max level is a travel, everything is rather difficult, in classic particularly it will be very slow and almost impossible at times to progress at an appropriate time with no celebration especially during 16-18 because kralls hit such as trucks. PvP feels unique because that is pretty much all there's to it at the end game witht the exception of conducting a few sponge dungeons and raids largely for the enhancement products, or gear that you would market to purchase enhancement products, the quality of PvP isn't the best, it reminds me a great deal of GunZ playerbase in the place where they think it is the best Third Person Shooter but in fact that game has such massive problems with the quality of the gameplay that you just wonder how can anyone thing that, same thing happens with PvP at Aion.

The most important selling point of this game isn't even that much of a top quality, sadly. If developers put time into the releases of the classic versions and really had love for the game not a pure monetary motivation, maybe we would see these apparent issues repaired, and if the clunkyness could be fixed, it would indeed be among the best PvP games out there.

Far from the same thing as a GCD. Animation duration is different from skill to skill that's the reverse of"global". Also as mentioned at the top remark, you will find tons of technical hints revolving around animation that when mastered, puts you in a massive advantage depending on the class you're playing. For instance a ranger who does not understand how to slideshot or jumpshot won't be able to kite almost and one who does. A sin that doesn't AAC (automobile attack cancel) will be pumping less out dps and reducing their opportunities at a godstone proc. Other classes AAC too but because of the difference in cartoon duration, the timing is completely different. So again, not even close to be the same thing as a GCD which compels you to wait a predetermined amount of time between every skill if you don't have haste.

As for the ping, yes it surely things but the comment about needing sub 20ms to play melee is far overblown. I played with anywhere from 60-80ms and had no problems dueling equally skilled players using 20-30ms. Yes you can sometimes get the"you are too far away" message despite being next to a goal but I attribute that to invisible terrain obstacles on certain maps and not a constant matter. In the buy aion classic kinah eu event that you were having so much issue with it that it made melee classes unplayable for you, then my guess would be that you want to work on your own chasing ability.

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