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Date Posted:   10-15-2021 8:50:28 PM
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What is the scenario if Blizzard had not released TBC and WOW Burning Crusade Classic Gold instead created an expansion based on the foundations that they developed in vanilla? There are foundations such as neutral pvp areas, battlegrounds, and a chat channel called "LocalDefense" (I was having trouble logging in because I didn't recognize the exact name) factions, factions, and so forth.

My expansion is a battle between the alliance of horde and horde. You battle for the control of neutral zones in order to take over Azeroth. You'll be able to access more adventures and flight routes when you control a zone. In the course of fighting an area, you can earn specific quests to help your side gain control back for that zone. You don't need to take on 10 raptors or get to the highest level in order to take part in the battle. When you gain control of an area, you'll be given new quests to make sure you are in control. the area changes depending the faction that controls the zone. Horde is controlling it? Alliance only has two outposts. It has to move slowly. There is a mix of world-wide pvp and NPC's fighting with players and NPC's. Securing ressource transportations to different zones, and then defending them against the faction of the enemy.

The LocalDefense channel allows players to communicate with each other and to announce enemy attacks on outposts and towns. Your faction may gain rewards from victory in battlegrounds to aid in their war effort. New battlegrounds get introduced matching to each neutral zone (alterac valley = winterspring, warsong = barrens and etc.) Find out about those bg's/zones in need of help. Every effort in war allows you to acquire better equipment for all levels, increase your ranks in your faction with access to mounts/tabards as well as additional gear. Employ your profession to create weapons and equipment needed during the conflict.

There's more to this idea than just vanilla but I'm yet to hear about a follow-up.

It has flaws I'm aware. For example, the differing max levels of characters and the imbalance in factions. This makes me realize that there is a lot of potential in WoW although it was already an amazing game.

This is something that I've never heard of , but I would like to know more about. I'm not sure what it is with the game it was based off. However, I do know some cheap WOW TBC Gold details about beta development, which I've not read. any idea where I could read about this? Ty, Cheers
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