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Muzikspace Forums -> Events > Shakespeare’s Macbeth With A Caribbean Flavour Opens August 21, 2010, Toronto Centre For The Arts
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Join Date:   08-13-2010 12:58:32 AM
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A six city tour of
General Macbeth: Castle Pon the Sand opens August 21, 2010 at the Toronto
Centre For The Arts.  Additional
performances will be held in
Ottawa, Hamilton,
Etobicoke, Mississauga and Scarborough as part of the I Love The Caribbean


Toronto - On Saturday, August 21, 2010
General Macbeth: Castle Pon De Sand, presented by NCB Remittance Services, an
agent of MoneyGram, opens in Toronto at the Toronto Centre For the Arts.

Written by Nicole R. White, with Terri
Salmon playing Lady Macbeth and John Phillips playing Macbeth, General Macbeth:
Castle Pon De Sand is an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. 

The play takes place in beautiful Jamaica, where a brave soldier,
Macbeth wages a tireless battle against major drug cartels afflicting the
island. This fearless fighter leads his army to victory; however, three devious
fortune-tellers decide to test Macbeth’s true grit.

The fortune-tellers
profess to Macbeth that he will be promoted to brigadier general, and
ultimately general. The praises he receives from General Duncan and his fellow
soldiers encourage Macbeth’s thoughts of the fortune-tellers’ prophecy; but the
lust for power overwhelms him.

Macbeth attempts to
combat his sudden evil desires; however, planning the demise of the current
general intensifies when his wife, Lady Macbeth, convinces him that General
Duncan is an obstacle to his success.

The six city tour
opens August 21, 2010 at the Toronto Centre For The Arts.  Additional performances will be held in
Ottawa, Hamilton, Etobicoke, Mississauga and Scarborough as part of
the I Love The Caribbean Movement. 
 Tickets are available online at
http://www.enjoymacbeth.com or by calling (647) 348-4311.


Sponsored by NCB Remittance Services, one of Jamaica’s
oldest and most respected financial institutions, and founded by Rinkah
Entertainment and WoahMedia.com, the I Love The Caribbean Movement is an
innovative awareness initiative designed to recognize individuals,
professionals, businesses and organizations that love and embrace the caribbean
culture and invest in young caribbean professionals and businesses. For more
information please visit http://www.ilovethecaribbeanmovement.com


Rinkah Entertainment is a lifestyle
entertainment production company. We specialize in producing plays, indoor and
outdoor concerts, creative dance, poetry readings and other social events. We
believe that your needs are important and our team is committed to helping you
to satisfy them. With this key goal in mind, we work with actors, recording
artists, dance performers, and other professionals to produce gratifying and
uplifting entertainment events. You can learn more at


National Commercial Bank Jamaica Ltd.
(NCB) is one of Jamaica’s oldest and most respected financial institutions for
many reasons: a legacy of unparalleled service, world-class infrastructure, an
innovative and diverse team of professionals who are able to give exceptional
customer service. NCB offers a full range of banking products which includes
a remittance service. For more information
please visit www.jncb.com.

Rinkah Entertainment

Karl Haughton

Tel: (647) 348-4311


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul6hSN7RZKw

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