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Posted 01-29-2009 4:24:17 PM
Friday Night @ Drom

This party was crazy!  If you weren't there, you missed out because I don't know when it's going to happen again, but I can tell you what you missed. I went to club Drom, which is on the lower east side of Manhattan (a hard place to find parking).  The name of this party was 'Strictly the Best Friday.'  Littlemiss and I arrived a little before 12 and got in for free.

The dance floor was roped off (trying to buildup anticipation I guess), so the only thing you could do was drink, and drink we did =-D.  The prices for the drinks were ridiculous- $12 for a long island ice tea, and it was a little, little plastic cup-WITH ice, (so where did my money go?).  Considering I got in free it kind of balances out, but I don't care (would've got drunk at home if I didn't have to drive).

The crowd, or lack there of, was kinda diverse (white people and Asians welcome), and I had a feeling there were a couple people there who were a little clueless, trying to see the correct ways to do the dances (first timers welcome).  One thing that stood out among the ladies was really nice high-heeled shoes (I love shoes), and there I was wearing flats.  (It had me saying, "Damn maybe I should have showed up tonight.")  But hey my feet loved my shoes; that's all that matters.

Once they let us go onto the dance floor, a couple people took it as an opportunity to post-up against the wall right away, as if that's where they were going to spend the rest of the night (and in some cases that was true).  When people are afraid to dance, I tend to the think I'm looking at an immature crowd, so I would place the average age at 22.

Now I don't know if this is universally understood, but for me if the DJ is playing Hip Hop and R&B the party hasn't started or is coming to an end.  So when the DJ started playing Reggae at a quarter to one, the party started.

Everyone was waiting on that one song-you know the song"I'm so special, I'm so special, so special, so special."  How this is still so popular is beyond me because they play it on the radio everyday.  The guys started doing their dance routine, like they practiced at home (maybe they do =-/).  It really pisses me off when they came to dance with their friends and not the girls.  Some of these guys just want to show off, and be the center of attention, trying to steal my spotlight (impossible, I know).

The amount of space I had to work with was amazing.  I could mad run back and forth no problem (and I did!).

Then the DJ went back to the Hip Hop and R&B.  He even played that song from the 90's "Candy Rain," so I stopped dancing and a not-too-bright dude came over and tried to ask me to dance (maybe the fact that I wasn't dancing should be a clue fellas). Apparently, he thought I knew what I was doing, so it became boring really fast- really fast!  I recall putting an end to that shit right away.  I have a man and if I'm going to dance with someone in the club that's not him, it better be exciting.  I'm not looking to hook up with you, and I don't care if you're cute (well I do like dancing with cute guys, don't get me wrong).  On the very top of my list is a good dance partner, so if you're just trying to get to know my ass, you can make friends from afar.

Then they played the Soca, and oh god, it felt like carnival up in there the way my thighs were hurting the next day just going up and down those stairs.  Is it because Trini women have better thigh muscles than Jamaicans that they looked like they were perfectly alright?

So that DJ played until 2, and at 2 o'clock...Massive B arrived (aahhhh). Lol.  Let me tell you they mixed up those tunes so beautifully.  Of course they played I'm so Special, No More Games, and Click Mi Finger, but they also played a whole mess of songs I haven't danced to in a minute, definitely not this year.  Songs like Over the Wall.  Bun Bad Mind. DRY CRY! Oh god, it brought me back to a similar night in 2004.  I danced my heart out just like that night in '04, which is a huge compliment because I loved (not just liked) all the songs and all the dances back then.  I haven't felt that kind of love again and Bobby Kondas knew how to play it and make it fresh and new.  It's the kind of party starting thing that hasn't happened in a minute.  Heck they played Hard Times Riddim!  When's the last time I've heard Ghetto Girl?

So good times!  It ended when I heard one R&B song, I don't even think I gave it a little time, and this was around 3 or 3:30, which was my cue to leave.  I'm sorry if that's not what you wait for, and a lot of the guys followed me, but I came out for reggae, not the stuff on the radio.

I left sweating (I mean glistening), my curls fell out, my thighs were sore, and my feet hurt, so I give this party an 8 (not a 9 because I didn't find any awesome dance partners, and not a 10 because I didn't start stripping- but we'll save that story for another time;)).

I hope I've made enough people jealous that next time the thing goes down we can all do it together.  Big shot out to my girl Littlemiss because she made the party happen for me and held me down while we had to suffer through all the Hip Hop and R&B.

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